Russ has lived in the great state of Utah for over 30 years and has extensive experience in horticulture, grounds maintenance, and all phases of landscape and hardscape construction.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Secrets to Growing Great Annual Flowers

There are three things flowers want!  I guess a fourth one might be great TLC.

ONE: A water source.  
Regular amounts of consistent water, not too much or too little.  Probably quite a bit of water when the plants are young, then 3 to 4 times a week when the plants have established themselves.  Good deep watering rather than light watering.

TWO: A fertilization program.  
Use 16-16-8 garden fertilizer about every 4 weeks.  Work it into the ground.  

THREE: A bug/insect/snail repellent.
Make sure you are keeping the insects in check!  Slugs and snails can wipe out a good flower garden in just a few days.  Also, use the product Dipel on Petunias to keep the Tobacco Bud Worm from eating your Petunias.

These annuals were planted and fertilized and watered all in one day.

After just 6 weeks, the flowers are looking very full and bring a lot of color to this front bed area!

What kind of fertilizer do you use?
Do you have any good pictures of your annual flowers?

Let me know if you have any questions for me!

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